
tasty jewelry

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Austin, TX
I'm a jewelry designer with a passion for mod graphics, retro architecture & creative cooking.

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first thursday in austin

on the first thursday of each month, the city of austin holds an amazing event celebrating its "weirdness" and allows artisans of all types to line the streets of south congress to sell their wares. i have participated in "first thursday" now on and off for the past 2 years. its a great way for me to show my jewelry and really connect with my customer.

i have met some really amazing people doing this one of which is my new friend david from 302 designs. they specialize in organic printed t-shirts with a meaningful message. its an awesome company with a great philosophy, one which i believe in as well. here's an example of one of their shirts:

the message says: "as the trees come to leaf we shed our winter skins and we are born anew in the spring sun"

i thought this one was appropriate for spring. they also offer men's tees so go have a look.

take care & have a great day!
xo diane


Unknown said...

love that! so cute

Unknown said...

whoa, Diane..just saw this as I was catching up on all your blog posts! Thanks for the mention :)