i've been making some pretty delicious dinners lately and will be showcasing them here since i can. today's feature is one of my favorites of all time. its giada delaurentiis' short ribs w/ tagliatelle.

these are so succulent and delicious! you braise them for about 3 hours and then i garnished it with fresh parsley & bittersweet chocolate. yes, you read it right, chocolate! it just adds a slight hint of richness and sweetness to the dish.
the recipe is online. i follow this one exactly which usually isn't my style. i like to cross-reference many recipes and make my own. this one was just perfect on its own.
if you decide to make it please send me a picture or at least let me know how you like it....
xo diane
Well... didn't we just raise the bar on first day posting by including fabu recipes and food porn. *sigh* lol
Anything garnished with chocolate is A-OK in my book.
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