I'm listening to 80's music via the "Duran Duran" station on last.fm today. I really love 80's music; the good electronic stuff like ABC, The Human League, Berlin, Alphaville etc. certainly never the hair bands (like Poison etc...blech!) I mean, I sit here anywhere between 9 - 13 hours so I need something to keep me going. These songs are completely taking me back to high school & college. When times were certainly easier & I had hopes & dreams for my future.

I'll try to remember to post more pics of my daily goings-on. I do so much that I should just start snapping all the different facets of what I do in a week. I think most people would be surprised at just how many hats a small business owner wears. Crazy.
Well, gotta get back to my music, uh, I mean work....
xo diane
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